Dr Craig Hacking
BSci (Biomed Sci) MBBS FRANZCR | Academic Lead for Clinical Radiology | Academy for Medical Education | Deputy Director of Medical Imaging | Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital
Assoc Prof Craig Hacking is a Consultant Radiologist and a Deputy Director of Medical Imaging at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital with a special interest in trauma and emergency radiology and radiology education. Craig graduated from medicine from the University of Queensland in 2005 and undertook radiology training at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital. His last year of training was a fellowship in general MRI and cardiac CTA at Nambour General Hospital and he was awarded the FRANZCR in 2013.
Well known for his contributions to Radiopaedia.org including the online Radiopaedia course on medical imaging anatomy, Craig is currently a contributing editor of Radiopaedia.org and was previously a managing editor and the anatomy section editor. He has a background in teaching and examining anatomy to undergraduates, medical students, surgeons and radiologists for over a decade. Craig was also a founding executive committee member for the Australian and New Zealand Emergency Radiology Society (ANZERG) and until recently the Lead Anatomy Examiner and part 2 viva examiner for the RANZCR.
Craig's major influence on the UQ medical program is the development of the Radiology resources website, a comprehensive collection of lectures, video tutorials, radiographic anatomy resources, and practice radiology quizzes for medical students of all levels.