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Accredited, hands-on and interactive clinical training
By highly experienced and knowledgeable faculty
In a state-of-the-art virtual classroom dedicated to diagnostic imaging
With a certificate of participation upon completion
Giving you the seamless training experience that you are looking for

Upcoming course
Virtual Towards Level 2 Cardiac CT

77 Students

220 days

NPS 88
“The best course! See you next time!”
Dr Michaela Kubincova, Radiologist, AZ Sint-Maarten, Belgium
“Well structured and relevant course, informative and great hands on workshop.”
Dr Philippa Shine, Radiologist, South Coast Radiology, Australia
“Large array of cases, great teacher , highly-effective 6-day CTCA learning experience.”
Dr Chan PF, Cardiologist, Ng Teng Fong General Hospital, Singapore
“The course was enjoyable, invaluable and time well spent. Ben is great to listen to and easy to learn from. Along with learning a comprehensive systematic approach to cardiac CT, Ben provides various clinical pearls along the way and keeps it interesting throughout. The big bank of CT scans allows exposure to diverse pathology and an opportunity to repeatedly reinforce teaching points.”
Dr John Khoo, Cardiology Advanced Trainee, Liverpool Hospital, Australia
“Excellent program and knowledgeable instructor. Numerous example cases. Easy to understand and practical cases”
Dr. Praewa Mitrakul, Bangkok, Thailand
“Well organised and run course. Great presentations and good IT support making the virtual workshop possible.”
Dr Siavash Es'haghi, Radiologist, Imaging Queensland, Australia
“Highly clinically oriented and useful TAVI course with a good volume of hands-on cases to adequately develop your proficiency and confidence during the course itself. Very approachable and knowledgeable instructor who ensures all participants keep up with the pace. I would definitely recommend Masterclass CVI workshops to anyone looking to upskill in cardiac imaging.”
Dr Jan Riley, Consultant Radiologist, Monash Health, Australia
“It’s a great introduction to CMR for practicing cardiologists. An excellent review of utilization, common interpretation tools and limitations of CMR in modern cardiology. High recommended!”
Dr Hamza Ali Lodhi, Cardiology Fellow, Florida Atlantic University, United States
“Excellent course. A masterclass in TAVI CT that takes you from the basics to quite advanced techniques and challenging cases. Highly recommended to radiologists and cardiologists involved in a TAVI programme.”
Dr Antonio de Marvao, senior fellow Royal Brompton Hospital; MRC Chain-Florey Clinical Lecturer Cardiology, Imperial College London, United Kingdom
“The course definitely builds your skills and confidence in CTCA interpretation! Highly recommended!”
Dr Cheung Wai Pan, Resident, Kwong Wah Hospital, Hong Kong
“Hard to find a more comprehensive and clearly taught TAVI course, covering all aspects from basics to advanced topics like valve in valve. Having attended other Masterclass CVI workshops, I would unreservedly recommend them for your ongoing CME needs!”
Dr Kai Leong, Echocardiologist, The Royal Melbourne Hospital, Australia
“Fantastic course, Ben takes you through from basic to advanced analysis in an easy to understand manner. Suitable for both cardiologists and radiologists in training or consultant level.”
Dr O Alsanjari, Consultant Cardiologist, Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, United Kingdom
On this platform you will find accredited hands-on courses facilitated by highly experienced and knowledgeable fellow clinicians. All safely and conveniently delivered via the cloud.
No need to travel, spend money on tickets and accommodation, take longer leave than necessary, or experience a jet lag.
The only thing you need is a good internet connection and computer set-up. No worries, we will guide you there if needed.

Feel free to drop us an email with any queries and/or comments you might have.
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